At the age of 27, I was chosen to appear on Forbes' list of '30 Most Promising Young People' in Israel. I looked at my picture in that article, at the smile spread across my face, at the jeans suit I was wearing, my hairstyle, how my work was described, and felt light-years away from that person. Here I was, presented as a young woman who had realized her potential and was guiding other women to do the same, when in reality I was not enjoying my work, I was neglecting my friends and family, and worst of all – I had no sex life with my husband. Pleasure was not a part of my life and I was tired most of the time. I realized I was living a lie.

The book 'Present Woman' is an honest and rare first-person account for female seekers and curious men. A woman in her twenties embarks to discover her sexuality and learns how her journey towards pleasure affects her career, her attitude to money, and her relationships.

Present wOMAN is a book about female leadership, pleasure and relationships.

It covers the journey I have gone through from being a woman who does not know how to enjoy sex to a person who fulfills themselves sexually, and how it affected my career, relationships and overall self confidence.  Many people have asked me while I was writing this book why I was writing about my sexuality. After all, exposing this side of one’s self is controversial and can possibly come at a great personal cost.

אני לא מטפלת מינית, ולא מדריכת טנטרה, אז למה כתבתי ספר על מיניות?

The first reason has to do with women.

Our cultural construct encourages us, women, to be an object: to groom our looks, to serve our partner’s needs and to bear children. This not only prevents women from accessing an enormous life force within their bodies, it also marks their bodies as someone else’s property, one that can be remarked upon, touched without consent, and one whose wishes can be denied.

When we change the way we look at our bodies, we change the way we look at our overall societal roles. This is an era in which we, as women, are called to reclaim our sexuality so that we are able to regain access to our power and build the world our future generation deserves.
When we as women understand that our physical needs are important enough in the bedroom, we will understand that our opinions are important in the boardroom, and that our ideas are worth manifesting.

The second reason has to do with the relationship between men and women.

In the last few years we have been witnessing all the gaps between men and women coming to the surface; the wage gap, the human rights gap, the leadership gap. There is so much rage, judgement and hatred between us. We see it in the workplace, in politics and in the media. We cannot manage a healthy society if we cannot understand each other, and we cannot understand each other if we don’t understand ourselves. In this book I share how deepening and realizing my femininity allowed me to come to understand men and make peace with them.  

The second reason has to do with the relationship between men and women.

In the last few years we have been witnessing all the gaps between men and women coming to the surface; the wage gap, the human rights gap, the leadership gap. There is so much rage, judgement and hatred between us. We see it in the workplace, in politics and in the media. We cannot manage a healthy society if we cannot understand each other, and we cannot understand each other if we don’t understand ourselves. In this book I share how deepening and realizing my femininity allowed me to come to understand men and make peace with them.  

The second reason has to do with the relationship between men and women.

In the last few years we have been witnessing all the gaps between men and women coming to the surface; the wage gap, the human rights gap, the leadership gap. There is so much rage, judgement and hatred between us. We see it in the workplace, in politics and in the media. We cannot manage a healthy society if we cannot understand each other, and we cannot understand each other if we don’t understand ourselves. In this book I share how deepening and realizing my femininity allowed me to come to understand men and make peace with them.  

I am not a therapist, nor am I a tantra teacher; I’m a woman that went through a journey that completely transformed her life, and in this book I will share it with you. The book comes with a guidebook that will support your process.

voices of my readers

Voices of my Readers

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Position, Company name

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare."

Name Surname

Position, Company name

I’ve never read someone articulate the connection between women’s bodies, our pleasure, and our power as clearly as Narkis Alon in Present Woman. This book is timely and important.

Kate Northrup

Bestselling author of Do Less and host of Plenty

With the sensitivity of an old friend, Narkis draws you in to accompany her on this journey toward self-love and discovery. Out of her willingness to be vulnerable, a tremendous inner power emerges. Her courage to reveal her longings and truth, inspires the reader to explore their own.

Micaela Ezra

llustrator, textile designer and writer. She is the founder of AHYIN, a boutique collection of contemporary Judaica objects, created with holistic intentions

The book 'Present Woman' touched so many hidden, emotional, and frightening places within me. But most of all, it reignited my desire for action, for sexuality, for exploration, to surrender to soaring high and falling beneath the floor.

Yuval Scharf

Actress, entrepreneur, founder of Grouphug

In the book 'Present Woman', Narkis and her partner Alon introduce a groundbreaking perspective to the world. Only a strong internal drive to create change in the world can serve as such a powerful motivator for writing that is so authentic and revealing. I would love to see her leadership approach implemented in organizations within the private and public sectors and in the education system.

Limor Shofman Gutman

Leading attorney in the capital markets field, director at Global Gas Company, impact entrepreneur, and chairwoman of Prowoman organization, empowering women with tools for advancing into management and leadership roles

Narkis Alon breaks the cycle of sexual shame in her book 'Present Woman'. She exposes herself with courage that grants legitimacy and humanity to us all, demonstrating through her story how determination pays off.

Yehudit Katz

Host of the podcast 'Thinking Well', entrepreneur, consultant, lecturer, and writer focusing on positive psychology and applied research psychology

I read 'Present Woman' in 24 hours. I am so inspired by Narkis's journey of personal and intimate transformation. This important book can serve as a model for many women and teenage girls on their journey towards self-discovery.

Shlomit Nir Tur

Israeli swimming champion and record holder, founder of the 'Atana' initiative, initiator and manager of the Women's Sports Promotion Unit at the Ministry of Sports

Our world needs more daring, curious, and courageous women. Narkis is one of them, turning her intimate inquiry into something uncomfortably revealing - all to empower more women to dare to live

Stav Shaffir

Former chairperson of the Green Movement and former member of the Knesset for the Labor Party. A leader in social protest in Israel

Present Woman' is a touching testimony that shatters myths and connects us women to ourselves and to our men. It's a must-read for anyone daring to embark on a journey of self-discovery, to get to know the depths of her soul and body, and to discover the unique gift she received from the universe in order to spread it like colorful and fragrant pollen to everyone around.

Yael Shuraki

Physical therapist specializing in holistic pelvic floor rehabilitation and personalized childbirth preparation

Narkis wrote a book that opens up the conversation about female sexuality in a way that hasn't been spoken about before. Another layer in our sexual liberation, at a timing that feels just right. Very exciting!

Meital Weinberg Adar

CEO and founder of dmwa branding studio, a creator and influencer

I sought conversation and honesty about the evolution of sexuality and relationships. 'Present Woman' gave me the opportunity to contemplate the subject with compassion and without judgment.

Joy Rieger


In 'Present Woman', Narkis authentically and movingly shares a true story of personal struggle with sexuality, evoking strong identification in many. Her story conveys important and meaningful messages about gender harmony and sexuality as a blessed energy. These are the messages I would want my children to grow up with.

Iris Shor

Serial entrepreneur, co-founder of Visual Tao (acquired by Autodesk), Tackify, and Oorby (acquired by LinkedIn)

My journey into raw honesty as a living woman inspired me to leave behind inhibitions and dive into deep waters. Narkis Alon simply shows us a path towards embodiment.

Eylon Nuphar

artistic director, choreographer, journalist, and co-founder of the 'Miyumana' group, she is also an emotional therapist and a leader in global dialogues on expanding the model of femininity

An exposed journey of a courageous woman in pursuit of pleasure and freedom. Narkis Alon introduces a world of exploration instead of resignation and liberation instead of submission. A unique and significant book.

Arielle Lehmann

Social psychologist & Writer

Through authentic and raw soulful exposure, Narkis Alon, in her book ‘Present Woman’, brings female sexuality to the table and shares with us the personal revelations she has accumulated. It's not just a book; it's a way of life

Fraidy Margalit

Founder of Metatism philosophy, consciousness expansion leader

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